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PyQt6 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework. It allows developers to create cross-platform desktop applications with a graphical user interface (GUI) using Python. PyQt6 is based on the Qt6 framework and provides Pythonic access to Qt classes and functions, making it a popular choice for developing GUI applications in Python.

Here are some key points about PyQt6:

  1. Qt Framework: PyQt6 is built on top of the Qt framework, which is a powerful and widely used C++ library for developing applications with GUIs, among other things. Qt provides a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for creating cross-platform applications.
  2. Cross-Platform: One of the significant advantages of PyQt6 is its cross-platform nature. You can write code once and run it on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and various Linux distributions.
  3. Pythonic: PyQt6 is designed to be Pythonic, meaning it leverages Python’s syntax and conventions to provide a natural and intuitive way to work with Qt. This makes it accessible to Python developers who may not have extensive experience with C++.
  4. Qt Designer: PyQt6 includes Qt Designer, a graphical tool that allows you to design and create user interfaces visually. You can then load these designs into your Python code using PyQt6’s API.
  5. Licensing: PyQt6 is available under a dual-license model, similar to Qt itself. You can choose between a GPL (GNU General Public License) or a commercial license, depending on your project’s needs.
  6. Community and Documentation: PyQt has an active community of developers, and there is extensive documentation and tutorials available to help you get started with PyQt6. This includes official documentation from Riverbank Computing, the company behind PyQt.

Here’s a basic example of creating a simple PyQt6 application:

import sys
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel

def main():
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    window = QMainWindow()
    window.setWindowTitle("PyQt6 Example")
    label = QLabel("Hello, PyQt6!", window)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This code creates a basic window with a label displaying “Hello, PyQt6!”.

Keep in mind that PyQt6 may have received updates or changes beyond my last knowledge update in September 2021, so it’s a good practice to refer to the official documentation and resources for the latest information and updates.

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