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setuptools is a Python library that facilitates the packaging, distribution, and installation of Python packages. It is commonly used for creating Python packages and managing their dependencies. setuptools simplifies tasks such as specifying package metadata, including dependencies, and generating distribution packages like source distributions (sdist) and binary distributions (bdist).

Here are some key features and concepts related to setuptools:

  1. Setup Script ( A Python script named is typically used to define package metadata, dependencies, and other project-specific information. This script is used to configure and build the package.
  2. Distribution Formats: setuptools supports creating various distribution formats, including:
  • Source Distributions (sdist): These contain the source code of the package and metadata files. They are typically used for distributing packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI).
  • Binary Distributions (bdist): These are platform-specific binary distributions that can be installed directly. They are created for specific platforms or package formats, such as wheels (bdist_wheel) or eggs (bdist_egg).
  1. Entry Points: Entry points allow you to define hooks or extension points in your package, making it easy for other packages to discover and use functionality provided by your package.
  2. Dependencies: You can specify package dependencies in the file. setuptools can automatically install these dependencies during package installation.
  3. Console Scripts: setuptools allows you to define console scripts that are included with your package and can be run from the command line.

Here’s a minimal example of a file for a Python package:

from setuptools import setup

    description='My Python Package',
    author='Your Name',

To build and distribute your package, you would typically use commands like python sdist to create a source distribution and python bdist_wheel to create a wheel distribution. These distributions can then be uploaded to PyPI or distributed in other ways.

Keep in mind that while setuptools is widely used, there are other tools like poetry and flit that offer alternative approaches to Python package management and distribution, each with its own set of features and benefits.

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