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python yaml

In Python, you can work with YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) data using the pyyaml library. YAML is a human-readable data serialization format that is often used for configuration files and data exchange between languages with different data structures. Here’s how you can use pyyaml to work with YAML in Python:

  1. Installation: First, you need to install the pyyaml library if you haven’t already. You can install it using pip:
   pip install pyyaml
  1. Loading YAML: You can load YAML data from a file or a YAML-formatted string into Python data structures using the yaml module:
   import yaml

   # Load YAML data from a file
   with open('data.yaml', 'r') as file:
       data = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

   # Load YAML data from a string
   yaml_string = """
   key1: value1
     - item1
     - item2
   data = yaml.load(yaml_string, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

The yaml.FullLoader is used to load the entire YAML document and is safer than the default loader for untrusted input.

  1. Working with YAML Data: Once you’ve loaded the YAML data, you can work with it like any other Python data structure. For example:
   # Accessing values

   # Iterating through a list
   for item in data['key2']:

   # Modifying values
   data['key1'] = 'new_value'

   # Converting Python data to YAML string
   yaml_string = yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False)
  1. Dumping YAML: You can also convert Python data structures back into a YAML-formatted string and write it to a file:
   import yaml

   data = {
       'key1': 'value1',
       'key2': ['item1', 'item2']

   # Convert Python data to YAML string
   yaml_string = yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False)

   # Write YAML string to a file
   with open('output.yaml', 'w') as file:

Remember to handle exceptions and errors appropriately when working with files, especially when using the open function, and always sanitize input if working with untrusted data to prevent security issues.

That’s a basic overview of how to work with YAML in Python using the pyyaml library. You can use these methods to load, manipulate, and save YAML data in your Python applications.

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