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python unzip

To unzip files in Python, you can use the zipfile module, which provides functionality to work with zip archives. Here’s a basic example of how to unzip a file using Python:

import zipfile

# Specify the path to the zip file you want to unzip
zip_file_path = ''

# Specify the directory where you want to extract the contents
extracted_dir = 'your_extraction_directory'

# Open the zip file for reading
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
    # Extract all the contents to the specified directory

print(f'Files extracted to {extracted_dir}')

Make sure to replace '' with the actual path to your zip file and 'your_extraction_directory' with the directory where you want to extract the contents.

This code will open the zip file, extract its contents to the specified directory, and print a message confirming the extraction.

If you only want to extract specific files from the zip archive, you can use the extract() method instead of extractall() and provide the filename as an argument to extract that specific file.

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