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python sleep

In Python, you can use the time.sleep() function to pause the execution of your program for a specified number of seconds. This is often used when you want to introduce delays or control the timing of certain actions in your code. Here’s how you can use it:

pythonCopy codeimport time

# Sleep for 2 seconds

# This code will pause for 2 seconds before continuing
print("This will be printed after a 2-second pause.")

In the example above, time.sleep(2) causes the program to pause for 2 seconds before printing the message.

You can replace 2 with any number of seconds you want your program to sleep for. It can be a floating-point number to specify fractions of a second as well.

Keep in mind that while your program is sleeping, it won’t be able to perform any other actions or respond to input. So, use time.sleep() judiciously and make sure it doesn’t introduce unnecessary delays in your code.

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