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python docx

“python-docx” is a Python library for creating and updating Microsoft Word (.docx) files. It allows you to automate the generation of Word documents, including formatting, adding text, tables, images, and more. This library is useful when you need to generate reports, documents, or any other type of content in the .docx format.

Here’s how you can get started with python-docx:

  1. Installation:
    You can install python-docx using pip:
   pip install python-docx
  1. Basic Usage:
   from docx import Document

   # Create a new Word document
   doc = Document()

   # Add a title
   doc.add_heading('My Document', 0)

   # Add paragraphs
   doc.add_paragraph('This is a paragraph.')

   # Add a heading
   doc.add_heading('Heading 1', level=1)

   # Add a list
   doc.add_paragraph('Item 1', style='List Bullet')
   doc.add_paragraph('Item 2', style='List Bullet')

   # Save the document'my_document.docx')
  1. Working with Existing Documents:
    You can also open an existing Word document and manipulate its contents:
   from docx import Document

   # Open an existing document
   doc = Document('existing_document.docx')

   # Access paragraphs, tables, and other elements
   for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:

   # Edit the document as needed

   # Save the changes'updated_document.docx')
  1. Formatting and Styling:
    You can apply various formatting styles to your document, such as fonts, colors, alignment, and more. The python-docx library provides methods to set these styles.
  2. Adding Tables, Images, and More:
    You can also add tables, images, hyperlinks, and other elements to your Word document using python-docx. Refer to the library’s documentation for more details and examples.
  3. Documentation:
    The official documentation for python-docx is a valuable resource for learning about its capabilities and features. You can find it here:

Python-docx is a powerful library for working with Word documents in Python, and it can be used for a wide range of document generation and manipulation tasks.

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