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python docs

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You can access the official Python documentation on the Python website. The Python documentation provides detailed information about the Python programming language, its standard library, and various Python-related tools and modules. Here’s how you can access the Python documentation:

  1. Python Official Website: You can find the official Python documentation on the Python website at This website contains documentation for various Python versions, including Python 2.x and Python 3.x.
  2. Online Search: If you’re looking for specific information or documentation on a Python module or function, you can use online search engines like Google. Simply enter your query along with the keyword “Python” to find relevant documentation and resources.
  3. Using the help() Function: In the Python interactive shell (IDLE or a terminal), you can use the help() function to access documentation for Python objects. For example:pythonCopy code>>> help(list) >>> help(str) >>> help(dict) This will display documentation for the specified Python object or module.
  4. Python’s Built-in help() Function: You can also use the built-in help() function to get help within your Python scripts or programs. Here’s an example:pythonCopy codeimport math help(math) This will display documentation for the math module.
  5. Docstrings: Many Python modules, classes, and functions include docstrings, which are inline comments providing documentation about their usage. You can access docstrings using the help() function or by typing the module, class, or function followed by a question mark in some Python environments:pythonCopy code>>> import math >>> math.sqrt? >>> math.sqrt.__doc__
  6. Third-Party Tools: Some third-party tools and integrated development environments (IDEs) also provide access to Python documentation within their user interfaces. Examples include PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Jupyter Notebook.

Remember that the Python documentation is organized by Python version, so make sure to select the version that corresponds to the version of Python you are using. Additionally, the documentation includes guides, tutorials, and references to help you learn and use Python effectively

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