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python ast

The ast module in Python provides a way to represent Python code as an abstract syntax tree (AST). An AST is a tree-like data structure that represents the syntactic structure of a program. It is a useful tool for analyzing and manipulating Python code.

To generate an AST for a piece of Python code, you can use the ast.parse() function. This function takes a string of Python code as input and returns an AST object. The AST object can then be traversed and analyzed using the ast module.

For example, the following code generates an AST for the following Python code:


def my_function(x):
  return x * 2



import ast

code = """
def my_function(x):
  return x * 2


ast_tree = ast.parse(code)

Once you have an AST object, you can use the ast module to traverse and analyze it. For example, the following code prints the names of all the functions in the AST:


def print_functions(node):
  if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):

for node in ast_tree.body:



The ast module can also be used to modify Python code. For example, the following code replaces all occurrences of the print() function with the my_print() function:


import ast

def my_print(x):
  print(f'My print: {x}')

code = """
def my_function(x):


ast_tree = ast.parse(code)

def replace_print(node):
  if isinstance(node, ast.Call) and == 'print': = 'my_print'

ast.walk(ast_tree, replace_print)

new_code = ast.unparse(ast_tree)




def my_function(x):


The ast module is a powerful tool for analyzing and manipulating Python code. It is used by a variety of Python tools, such as IDEs, code analyzers, and code generators.

Here are some examples of how the ast module can be used:

  • Code analysis: The ast module can be used to analyze Python code for potential errors or security vulnerabilities. For example, you could write a tool that uses the ast module to find all instances of the eval() function in a codebase, since this function can be a security risk.
  • Code generation: The ast module can be used to generate Python code from scratch. For example, you could write a tool that uses the ast module to generate a Python class from a database schema.
  • Code refactoring: The ast module can be used to refactor Python code. For example, you could write a tool that uses the ast module to rename all occurrences of a variable in a codebase.

If you are interested in learning more about the ast module, I recommend reading the official documentation:

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