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  1. Test Discovery: Pytest automatically discovers and runs test functions in your Python code. It can find and execute tests in files named with specific patterns, such as test_*.py or *
  2. Fixture Support: Fixtures are a way to set up and tear down resources needed for testing. Pytest provides a fixture system to simplify the setup and cleanup of these resources. Fixtures can be defined at the module, class, or function level.
  3. Parametrized Testing: You can easily parameterize your test functions using decorators like @pytest.mark.parametrize. This allows you to run the same test with different input values and expected outcomes.
  4. Assertions: Pytest provides a rich set of built-in assertions for checking conditions in your test cases. If an assertion fails, Pytest will provide detailed information about the failure.
  5. Plugins: Pytest has a vibrant ecosystem of plugins that extend its functionality. You can use plugins to add features like code coverage analysis, parallel test execution, and integration with other testing and reporting tools.
  6. Test Marking: Pytest allows you to mark tests with custom labels or categories using @pytest.mark. This makes it easy to run specific subsets of tests, such as integration tests or slow tests.
  7. Test Fixtures and Dependency Injection: Pytest fixtures can be used for dependency injection. You can define fixtures that provide resources to your test functions, such as databases, web servers, or mock objects.
  8. Command-Line Interface: Pytest comes with a powerful command-line interface (CLI) that lets you customize test runs, specify test directories, and control various testing options.

To use Pytest, you typically need to install it using a package manager like pip:

bashCopy codepip install pytest

Once installed, you can write your test functions and execute them using the pytest command. For example, if you have a file named containing test functions, you can run the tests like this:

bashCopy codepytest

Pytest will discover and execute the tests, providing you with detailed output about the test results.

Keep in mind that Pytest is a versatile and widely adopted testing framework, and it can be integrated into various development workflows and CI/CD pipelines to ensure the quality and reliability of your Python code.

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