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pydoc is the standard documentation module for the Python programming language. It can be used to generate documentation from Python modules, classes, functions, and methods, and to browse the documentation in a text-based or web-based browser.

To use pydoc, simply type pydoc at your command prompt, followed by the name of the module, class, function, or method that you want to document. For example, to generate documentation for the sys module, you would type:

pydoc sys

This will display a page of documentation for the sys module in your terminal window.

You can also use pydoc to browse the documentation in a web-based browser. To do this, start the pydoc server by typing:

pydoc -b

This will start a web server on port 8000. You can then open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to view the documentation.

The pydoc server also includes a search feature, so you can easily find documentation for specific topics. To search for documentation, simply type your search term into the search bar at the top of the page.

Here are some of the features of pydoc:

  • It can generate documentation for modules, classes, functions, and methods.
  • The documentation can be displayed in a text-based or web-based browser.
  • The documentation includes information about the object’s arguments, return values, and any exceptions that it may raise.
  • The pydoc server includes a search feature, so you can easily find documentation for specific topics.

How to write docstrings for pydoc:

Docstrings are the primary source of documentation for pydoc. To write a docstring, simply place a triple-quoted string (“`) before the definition of the object that you want to document. The docstring should contain a brief description of the object, its arguments, return values, and any exceptions that it may raise.

For example, here is a docstring for a simple function:


def add_numbers(a, b):
  """Returns the sum of two numbers.

    a: A number.
    b: A number.

    The sum of a and b.
  return a + b



Returns the sum of two numbers.

  a: A number.
  b: A number.

  The sum of a and b.

**Tips for using pydoc:**

* If you are writing documentation for your own code, be sure to include docstrings for all of your modules, classes, functions, and methods. This will make it easier for other people to understand and use your code.
* If you are using a module that was written by someone else, you can use pydoc to browse the documentation for that module. This can help you to understand how to use the module and to find the information that you need.
* If you are using the pydoc server, be sure to bookmark the URL in your web browser so that you can easily access it later.

Overall, pydoc is a powerful tool that can be used to generate and browse documentation for Python code. It is a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced Python programmers alike.
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