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how exit python program

To exit a Python program, you can use the sys module or simply use the exit() or quit() functions. Here are a few methods:

  1. Using sys.exit(): You’ll need to import the sys module at the beginning of your script.pythonCopy codeimport sys # Your code here sys.exit() # This will terminate the program
  2. Using exit() or quit(): You can also use the built-in exit() or quit() functions to terminate the program. These functions raise the SystemExit exception, which can be caught if necessary.pythonCopy code# Your code here exit() # or quit()
  3. Using a condition: You can use a conditional statement to exit the program when a certain condition is met:pythonCopy code# Your code here if some_condition: exit() # or quit()
  4. Using a return statement: If your code is inside a function, you can use the return statement to exit the function, which will effectively exit the program if the function is the main entry point.pythonCopy codedef main(): # Your code here if some_condition: return if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Choose the method that best suits your program’s structure and logic. In most cases, using sys.exit() or simply exit()/quit() is sufficient for terminating a Python program.

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