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get pip py

It seems like you want to install or update pip for Python. Pip is a package manager for Python that allows you to easily install and manage Python packages.

If you want to install pip for Python, it’s likely that it is already included with your Python installation, especially if you’re using a recent version of Python (Python 3.4 and later). You can check if pip is installed by opening your command prompt or terminal and running:

pip --version

If pip is not installed, you can follow these steps to install it:

  1. Download Script:
    First, download the script. You can download it using curl or wget or by downloading it manually from the internet. Using curl:
   curl -o

Using wget:

  1. Install pip:
    Once you have the script, you can install pip by running the script with Python:

If you have multiple versions of Python installed and want to specify a particular version, you can use python3 or python2 instead of python, depending on your setup.

  1. Verify Installation:
    After installation, you can verify that pip is installed correctly by running:
   pip --version

You should see the installed pip version.

Please note that if you’re using a virtual environment, you may not need to install pip globally, as it is typically included in virtual environments when you create them.

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, make sure your Python installation is set up correctly and that you have the necessary permissions to install packages on your system.

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