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ffmpeg python

FFmpeg is a powerful multimedia framework that can be used to manipulate audio and video files in Python. You can use FFmpeg in Python by using the ffmpeg-python library, which is a Python wrapper around the FFmpeg command line tool. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Installation: First, you need to install the ffmpeg-python library. You can do this using pip:
   pip install ffmpeg-python
  1. Basic Usage: Here’s a simple example of how to use ffmpeg-python to convert a video file from one format to another:
   import ffmpeg

   input_file = 'input.mp4'
   output_file = 'output.avi'

   # Create an FFmpeg process to perform the conversion
  1. Manipulating Audio and Video: ffmpeg-python allows you to perform a wide range of operations on multimedia files, such as cutting, trimming, resizing, and more. Here’s an example of how to trim a video:
   import ffmpeg

   input_file = 'input.mp4'
   output_file = 'output.mp4'

   ffmpeg.input(input_file, ss='00:00:10', t='00:00:20').output(output_file).run()

In this example, the ss parameter specifies the start time, and the t parameter specifies the duration of the trimmed portion.

  1. Extracting Information: You can also use ffmpeg-python to extract information about multimedia files, such as their duration, resolution, and more:
   import ffmpeg

   input_file = 'input.mp4'

   probe = ffmpeg.probe(input_file)
   duration = probe['format']['duration']
   resolution = probe['streams'][0]['width'], probe['streams'][0]['height']

   print(f"Duration: {duration} seconds")
   print(f"Resolution: {resolution[0]}x{resolution[1]} pixels")

This code will extract and print the duration and resolution of the input video.

  1. Advanced Operations: ffmpeg-python provides extensive options for configuring FFmpeg commands. You can specify video and audio codecs, set output quality, add filters, and more. Refer to the ffmpeg-python documentation for detailed information on advanced usage.

Keep in mind that FFmpeg commands can be complex, and using ffmpeg-python simplifies the process of building and executing those commands in Python. It’s a versatile library for working with multimedia files programmatically.

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