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6. **Variable Highlighting:** Thonny highlights variables in your code, making it easy to see which ones are currently in scope and allowing you to hover over them to see their values.

Variable highlighting is a feature in the Thonny integrated development environment (IDE) that helps you identify and understand the scope and values of variables in your Python code. Here’s how variable highlighting works in Thonny:

  1. Highlighting Variables: When you open a Python script in Thonny, the IDE will automatically highlight variables throughout the code. This highlighting can help you quickly identify which parts of your code are related to variables.
  2. Scope Indication: Variable highlighting also helps you understand the scope of each variable. Different colors or styles may be used to indicate local variables (those defined within a specific function or block) and global variables (those defined outside of any function or block). This can make it easier to determine where a variable is accessible and where it isn’t.
  3. Hovering over Variables: Thonny allows you to hover your mouse pointer over a highlighted variable to see its current value in a tooltip or pop-up. This feature is particularly useful for debugging, as it allows you to inspect the state of your variables at different points in your code without needing to print them explicitly.

Overall, variable highlighting in Thonny enhances the readability and debugging capabilities of your Python code by making variable-related information more accessible and visible as you work on your projects. This feature can be especially valuable when you’re dealing with complex code or troubleshooting issues in your programs.

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