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Yes, Thonny does indeed have a built-in debugger. Thonny is a popular Python integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a user-friendly interface for writing, running, and debugging Python code. Here are some of the key features of Thonny’s debugger:

Yes, Thonny does indeed have a built-in debugger. Thonny is a popular Python integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a user-friendly interface for writing, running, and debugging Python code. Here are some of the key features of Thonny’s debugger:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Thonny’s debugger offers an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.
  2. Step-by-Step Debugging: Thonny allows you to execute your Python code step by step, making it easy to identify and fix issues in your code. You can step through your code one line at a time, helping you pinpoint where problems occur.
  3. Breakpoints: You can set breakpoints in your code by clicking on the left margin of the code editor. When the code execution reaches a breakpoint, it pauses, allowing you to inspect variables and the program’s state.
  4. Variable Inspection: Thonny’s debugger allows you to inspect variables and their values at any point during the debugging process. This feature is crucial for understanding how your code behaves and identifying bugs.
  5. Watches: You can set up watches for specific variables, which means Thonny will keep track of their values and update you when they change. This is especially helpful for monitoring variables that are critical to your program.
  6. Call Stack: Thonny displays the call stack, showing you the sequence of function calls that led to the current point in your code. This is valuable for understanding the flow of your program.
  7. Interactive Console: Thonny provides an interactive Python console within the IDE, allowing you to execute Python code directly while debugging. This can be useful for experimenting with code snippets or testing hypotheses about the cause of an issue.
  8. Integrated Variable Explorer: Thonny includes a variable explorer that provides a visual representation of the variables in your code, their values, and their data types. This makes it easier to keep track of your variables.
  9. Error Highlighting: Thonny highlights syntax errors and runtime errors in your code, helping you identify issues before you even start debugging.
  10. Integrated with Python Virtual Environments: Thonny can work with Python virtual environments, making it easy to manage dependencies and isolate your project’s environment.
  11. Support for Different Python Versions: Thonny supports various Python versions, allowing you to develop and debug code for different Python environments.
  12. Extensibility: Thonny is extensible through plugins, so you can enhance its functionality to suit your specific needs.

Overall, Thonny’s built-in debugger is a powerful tool for Python developers, making the process of finding and fixing bugs in your code more efficient and less intimidating, especially for those new to debugging.

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