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python * *

It seems like you’ve entered the Python multiplication operator * twice without operands. In Python, the * operator is used for various purposes depending on how it’s used. Here are a few common use cases:

  1. Multiplication of Numbers:
    You can use * to multiply numbers together. For example:
   result = 2 * 3  # This will result in 6
  1. Exponentiation:
    You can use ** for exponentiation. For example:
   result = 2 ** 3  # This will result in 8 (2 raised to the power of 3)
  1. Unpacking:
    In some cases, * can be used for unpacking elements from lists or tuples. For example:
   my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
   a, b, *rest = my_list  # a = 1, b = 2, rest = [3, 4]

If you have a specific question or a context in which you want to use * *, please provide more details, and I’ll be happy to help.

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