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Python Hello world

  1. Install Python: If you don’t have Python installed on your computer, you need to download and install it. Visit the official Python website ( and download the latest version suitable for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). Follow the installation instructions provided on the website.
  2. Text Editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE): You can write Python code in a plain text editor or use an integrated development environment (IDE) to make your coding process more efficient. Some popular IDEs for Python include:
    • Visual Studio Code
    • PyCharm
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • IDLE (comes bundled with Python)
  3. Write Your Python Code: Open your text editor or IDE and start writing your Python code. A simple “Hello, World!” program looks like this:pythonCopy codeprint("Hello, World!")
  4. Save Your Python File: Save your Python code with a .py extension. For example, you can save it as
  5. Run Your Python Program: The way you run a Python program depends on your development environment:
    • Command Line: Open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where your Python file is located, and run the program using the python command:shellCopy codepython
    • IDE: If you’re using an IDE like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm, you can usually run your code by clicking a “Run” or “Execute” button within the IDE.
  6. View Output: After running the program, you should see the output in your terminal or IDE. In the case of the “Hello, World!” program, it will display “Hello, World!” on the screen.

Congratulations! You’ve just started and executed a Python program. You can continue to build more complex programs by adding code to your .py files and running them as needed.

Remember to explore Python’s documentation, tutorials, and resources to learn more about the language and its capabilities as you progress in your programming journey.

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