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networkx python

NetworkX is a Python library used for the creation, manipulation, and analysis of complex networks or graphs. It provides tools for working with networks, including graph data structures, algorithms for graph manipulation, and visualization capabilities. NetworkX is widely used in various fields, such as social network analysis, transportation systems modeling, biology, and more.

Here’s a brief overview of some key concepts and functionalities in NetworkX:

  1. Graphs: NetworkX provides various types of graphs, including directed graphs, undirected graphs, and multigraphs. You can create a graph using the Graph() constructor or choose a specific type depending on your needs.
   import networkx as nx

   # Create an empty undirected graph
   G = nx.Graph()

   # Add nodes
   G.add_nodes_from([2, 3, 4])

   # Add edges
   G.add_edge(1, 2)
   G.add_edges_from([(2, 3), (3, 4)])
  1. Graph Algorithms: NetworkX offers a wide range of algorithms for graph manipulation and analysis, such as shortest path algorithms, centrality measures, connectivity checks, and more.
   # Calculate the shortest path between nodes
   shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=1, target=4)

   # Calculate degree centrality
   degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G)
  1. Graph Visualization: You can visualize graphs using NetworkX in conjunction with external visualization libraries like Matplotlib.
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

   # Visualize the graph
   nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
  1. Graph Import/Export: NetworkX supports various formats for importing and exporting graph data, including adjacency lists, edge lists, GML, and more.
   # Export to GML format
   nx.write_gml(G, "graph.gml")

   # Import from an edge list
   G = nx.read_edgelist("edgelist.txt")
  1. Graph Analysis: NetworkX includes functions for analyzing and exploring various properties of graphs, such as clustering coefficients, assortativity, and component analysis.
   # Calculate the clustering coefficient
   clustering_coefficient = nx.average_clustering(G)

   # Find connected components
   components = list(nx.connected_components(G))

NetworkX is a versatile library for working with graphs, and it’s widely used in both academic and practical applications. You can install it using pip:

pip install networkx

Make sure to check the official NetworkX documentation for more details, examples, and advanced functionalities:

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