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how python program run

  1. Writing Python Code: First, you need to write your Python code using a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Python code is written in plain text files with a .py extension. You can use editors like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or simple text editors like Notepad or Vim.
  2. Saving the Python File: Once you’ve written your Python code, you need to save it with a .py extension. For example, you might save your program as
  3. Interpreting the Code: Python is an interpreted language, which means that the code is executed line by line by the Python interpreter. To run your Python program, you typically open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where your Python file is located, and then use the python command followed by the name of your Python file:Copy codepython This command tells the Python interpreter to execute the code in the file.
  4. Compiling: Technically, Python doesn’t compile code into machine code like some other programming languages. Instead, the Python interpreter reads the code line by line, converts it into bytecode, and then executes the bytecode. The bytecode is stored in .pyc files for future runs, but this is an implementation detail you don’t need to worry about.
  5. Execution: The Python interpreter starts executing your code from the top of the file, one line at a time, and performs the operations specified in your code. This can include variable assignments, function calls, loops, and more.
  6. Output: If your program generates any output, such as print statements or writing to files, you will see the results in the terminal or command prompt.
  7. Completion: Once your program has executed all its instructions or reached the end of the file, it terminates, and you’ll see the command prompt or terminal prompt again.
  8. Error Handling: If there are errors in your code, the Python interpreter will raise exceptions, providing information about what went wrong. You’ll need to review the error messages, fix the issues, and rerun your program.
  9. Libraries and Modules: Python programs often use external libraries and modules. These are imported at the beginning of your Python script using import statements. The Python interpreter will load these libraries and modules as needed during execution.
  10. Runtime Environment: Python programs run within a runtime environment that includes memory allocation, variable management, and other system-level tasks. The interpreter handles many of these details for you.
  11. Exiting: Once your program has finished executing, it will exit, and you’ll return to the command prompt or terminal.

Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language known for its simplicity and readability, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers. The steps mentioned above describe the general process of running a Python program, but the specific behavior can vary depending on the code you write and the environment you’re using.

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