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  1. Automatic Data Validation: FastAPI uses Python type hints to automatically validate request and response data, reducing the need for manual input validation code.
  2. Automatic API Documentation: FastAPI generates interactive API documentation using tools like Swagger and ReDoc. This documentation is updated in real-time based on your code and type hints, making it easier for developers to understand and test your API.
  3. Asynchronous Support: FastAPI supports asynchronous programming, allowing you to write asynchronous endpoints using Python’s async and await keywords. This is particularly useful for handling I/O-bound operations, such as database queries.
  4. Dependency Injection: You can use FastAPI’s dependency injection system to manage and share components like database connections, authentication, and authorization logic across your application.
  5. Request and Response Models: You can define models for request and response data using Pydantic, a library for data validation and parsing. FastAPI will automatically validate and serialize these models for you.
  6. Middleware: FastAPI supports middleware, which allows you to customize and extend the behavior of your application by adding functionality like logging, authentication, or CORS handling.
  7. Background Tasks: You can schedule and run background tasks in FastAPI, which is useful for executing tasks asynchronously, such as sending emails or processing data.
  8. WebSocket Support: FastAPI also has support for WebSocket connections, enabling real-time communication between clients and your server.

To get started with FastAPI, you typically create Python functions for your API endpoints and decorate them with FastAPI-specific decorators. Here’s a simple example of a FastAPI application:

pythonCopy codefrom fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello, FastAPI"}

def read_item(item_id: int, query_param: str = None):
    return {"item_id": item_id, "query_param": query_param}

You can install FastAPI using pip:

bashCopy codepip install fastapi

FastAPI has become a popular choice for building web APIs and applications due to its performance, ease of use, and the ability to leverage Python’s type hinting system to improve code quality and documentation.

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