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django cms

Django CMS is a popular content management system (CMS) built on top of the Django web framework. It is designed to simplify the creation and management of websites and web applications by providing a user-friendly interface for content editors and developers.

Here are some key features and concepts related to Django CMS:

  1. Content Management: Django CMS allows you to create and manage various types of content, such as pages, articles, images, and multimedia. You can organize content into hierarchical structures to create navigation menus and sitemaps.
  2. Modular Content: One of the standout features of Django CMS is its support for modular content. You can create reusable content modules (plugins) that can be placed within different pages and templates. This makes it easy to build complex layouts and customize the content of each page.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Django CMS provides a user-friendly admin interface that allows non-technical users to create and edit content easily. It offers in-place editing, drag-and-drop functionality, and a WYSIWYG editor for content entry.
  4. Custom Templates: Developers can create custom templates for the website using Django’s template system. These templates can be integrated with Django CMS to define the structure and appearance of the site.
  5. Multilingual Support: Django CMS offers built-in support for multilingual websites, allowing you to manage content in multiple languages.
  6. Version Control: Content changes are tracked, and you can revert to previous versions if needed. This is helpful for content auditing and collaboration.
  7. SEO-Friendly: Django CMS provides tools and features to optimize your website for search engines. You can define metadata, create SEO-friendly URLs, and more.
  8. Extensibility: Django CMS is highly extensible, allowing developers to create custom plugins, templates, and apps to meet specific project requirements.
  9. Community and Packages: It has an active community and a wide range of available plugins and extensions, making it easier to add functionality to your website.
  10. Security: Django CMS benefits from the security features provided by the Django framework, such as protection against common web vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.
  11. Scalability: Django CMS is suitable for both small websites and large, complex applications. It can scale to handle high traffic and content loads.

To get started with Django CMS, you typically install it as a Django application and configure it to work with your project. You can then create templates, design your website’s structure, and start adding content. The official documentation and various online tutorials are excellent resources to help you learn how to use Django CMS effectively.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge as of September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes to Django CMS since then.

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