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2. **Step Through Code:** You can step through your code line by line using the debugger. This helps you understand the flow of your program and identify issues.

Stepping through code using a debugger is a fundamental technique in software development for understanding how your program executes and for identifying and resolving issues. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how to use a debugger to step through your code:

  1. Set Breakpoints: Before you can start stepping through your code, you need to set breakpoints. Breakpoints are markers that tell the debugger to pause execution when a specific line of code is reached. You can set breakpoints by clicking in the margin next to the line of code where you want to pause execution. Most integrated development environments (IDEs) provide a graphical way to set breakpoints.
  2. Start Debugging: Once you’ve set your breakpoints, you can start debugging your program. This is usually done by clicking a “Start Debugging” or “Debug” button in your IDE. Alternatively, you can use a command-line debugger by running your code with specific debugging commands.
  3. Execution Pauses: When your program hits a breakpoint during execution, it pauses, and control is transferred to the debugger. At this point, you can inspect the state of your program, such as variable values, call stack, and more.
  4. Step Over: One common debugging command is “Step Over.” This allows you to execute the current line of code and then move to the next line. If the current line is a function or method call, it will execute that function entirely and then return to the line after the function call. This is useful for quickly moving through code you know is working correctly.
  5. Step Into: “Step Into” is used when you want to go deeper into a function or method call. If the current line is a function call, using Step Into will take you inside that function so you can debug its internals. This is helpful when you suspect an issue within a function.
  6. Step Out: “Step Out” is used to exit the current function or method and return to the calling function. If you’ve used Step Into to enter a function and you want to quickly return to the caller without stepping through each line of the function, Step Out is the command to use.
  7. Continue: After you’ve inspected and debugged a portion of your code, you can use the “Continue” command to resume normal execution until the next breakpoint is encountered or until the program finishes running.
  8. Inspect Variables: During debugging, you can inspect the values of variables, watch expressions, and evaluate expressions in real-time. This helps you understand what’s happening in your code and identify problems.
  9. Fix Issues: As you step through your code and identify issues, you can make necessary code changes, such as fixing bugs or improving logic.
  10. Repeat Steps: You can repeat the above steps as many times as needed to thoroughly debug your code and ensure it works correctly.

Debugging with a debugger is a powerful and efficient way to identify and fix issues in your code, and it’s an essential skill for software development. Different IDEs and programming languages may have variations in their debugging tools and commands, but the fundamental concepts outlined here apply to most debugging scenarios.

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